SpeechLive - Recorder Open Error (change sampling rate of Philips SpeechMikes)

SpeechLive - Recorder Open Error (change sampling rate of Philips SpeechMikes)

This command line tool will iterate through all connected Philips devices and try to switch the sampling rate to 44kHz.
After switching, the device will re-connect itself.
Be aware that switching can only be successful if the device is not currently recording or playing back audio.


1- Download the tool from this link 

2-Unzip the folder. 

3- Run the application "SamplingRateToolConsole.exe" 





4- Wait for SpeechMike(s) to reconnect ( it takes around 15 seconds). 

5- the sampling rate is now set to 44100 

6- For verifying whether switching was successful, right click on the sound icon and check if the sampling rate is 44100 
