SpeechLive Guide - Log in Online to Transcribe Recordings
1. Using Google Chrome or Firefox, go to
www.SpeechLive.com and log in with your email address and password.
2. Once you are logged in you will be able to see a list of dictations that have been sent to you. Highlight the file you wish to transcribe and click on 'Playback Dictation' and then 'Open in Player'. This will allow you to use a Philips ACC2310/ACC2320/ACC2330 Foot Control to control playback of the file. Open your preferred word processing application to type into.
3. When you have finished transcribing the recording, mark the file as 'Finished'. This will provide you with the option to attach a file to the dictation. If required, select the appropriate file when prompted using the menu and click 'OK'.
(You are also able to skip this step if you do not need to attach a file to be sent back to the author by simply clicking 'OK').