You can change the location of where a folder is stored on your PC. The only exceptions are the Temp, Outbox and Sent Items folders. Their paths CANNOT be changed. The ONLY way to change the paths for these folders is during the installation of SpeechExec. If the paths are wrong, or have been changed since SpeechExec was originally installed, you may have to do a system clean of SpeechExec to restore the paths to a default setting for those folders that cannot be moved.
You also cannot change the path for a subfolder. Changing the path of the local work folder is not recommended.
Changing the folder path:
1. Select the folder, right-click it and select Folder Properties from the menu. Alternatively, go to the Folder menu and select Folder Properties.
2. In the displayed dialog, click the folder-icon of the Path property field.
3. Browse for the new location.
Note: After changing a folder path, a dialog will show up asking about move dictations from the old folder to the new one. You can choose to move dictations from the subfolders as well (keeping the same folder structure) or only the ones in the main folder. This is only a safety option, your old folder may not contain any dictation.