Nuance Dragon Professional Anywhere Cloud - Citrix Drivers

Nuance Dragon Professional Anywhere Cloud - Citrix Drivers

If you download the complete package, you will find the drivers included.


Inside this package you will find:

Inside this folder you will find:


Navigate inside here until you find


These are the drivers; to install, all you need to do is install ‘PhilipsSpeechDriversSetup.exe’ on the individuals computer. Nothing needs to be installed on the server, and you do not need the 64-bit variant driver.


Also and importantly please note:


If you wish to use DPA within a Citrix environment, there is an additional driver we recommend installing.

This can be found inside the same drivers folder:



Again this driver should only be installed on the users computer, nothing needs to be installed on the server.


Without this driver, you will likely experience audio related errors, or slow and inaccurate voice recognition.